CTC Congratulates Tony Perez of the City of Seattle on His Appointment to the FCC’s Diversity Advisory Committee

CTC congratulates Tony Perez, the Director of Seattle’s Office of Cable Communications, on his appointment to the FCC’s Federal Advisory Committee on Diversity for Communications in the Digital Age. Mr. Perez has demonstrated a commitment to serving the public interest and the citizens of Seattle. He will provide a valuable local administrator perspective for other members of the Committee and the FCC as a whole.

The Diversity Committee’s mission is to advise the Commission regarding policies and practices that will enhance diversity in the telecommunications and related industries. In particular, the Committee will focus on lowering economic barriers to entry for historically disadvantaged men and women, exploring ways to ensure universal access to and adoption of broadband and creating an environment that enables employment of a diverse workforce within the telecommunications and related industries.

The Diversity Committee held its first meeting under its new charter on December 6, 2011, at the FCC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. More information on the Committee, including video of its first meeting, is available here.

Published: Thursday, September 29, 2011 by CTC Technology & Energy